And have us humans made the 'God/s' redundant. As having no more relevance in our lives that that which our ancestors and us have given him/them.
Even though there has never been any indication that they, 'God/s', have accepted the role and functions our ancestors have given them.
An ancient anachronism which continued to exist and even thrive in our modern and enlightened age.
Mainly because it has become, as it were, an essential part of our traditions, our cultures.
Traditions and cultures which each generation has been socialised into and even forced to maintain.
Even though it is crucial for the advancement of our societies, probably even the survival of our species.
That we allow them, our traditions and cultures, to evolve, to be transformed into something more present and future-embracing.
If we are to realise our ever expanding potential as sentiment humans.
This is not to say stories, because that is what they are, about the God/s should not have any relevance at all in our human lives.
No, that is not so. However, it is important that we place a proper relevance on them; of of them being legendary stories.
Of them being fictional stories to amaze, to enthral and mesmerise us.
To entertain us and causes us to wonder. But not to react to as if they they and the religions which nurture them, are objective truths.
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