Saturday, 30 January 2021



Like every other living species, us humans are born into the world, not against our will.  

But rather without having the choice of whether we should come forth from the darkness of the womb, or its equivalent, the egg, into the light. 

Or to remain in the womb, which would mean certain death.

Before we become enveloped and assimilated into the light, and acquire the age of reason, of logic.  

And begin the sometimes agonising, sometimes fearful and traumatic contemplation.  

Of what we might hope, is a distant and final time of retuning to the darkness. 

This time to our destiny, our death, after having navigated the journey of fate, of life, be it a short or long one. Be it a partially or mostly happy or balanced one.

This time, a death which, like being born, we also have no control over, although we might, if we are fortunate, have some influence over its method or means.

Unlike some animals, such as birds and those which have habitats shared with predators. 

Animals which are pre-programmed or imprinted with the instinct to run for cover soon after they are born or hatched. 

To be continued!

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