Tuesday, 16 February 2021



Probably less so about those paramedics, healthcare workers, first responders, miners and others are likely to have to deal with at any point in their working lives.

But there are people from other professions to whom the label, 'survivor' has been and can be applied.

Which leads me to what this post is all about; having survived the pitfalls, the dangers which confronted me during my social work profession.

Being a social worker, in the sense of a person who has undertake formal social work study and training in an academic institution set up for doing so. 

Can be a very rewarding experience. People who trained to become social workers are probably most likely to include the following in their responses. 

When asked, 'why do you want to or have opted to become a social worker?'  

Yes, they are likely to say, 'I want to help people!' 'I like working with people!' 

'I like working with children and young people!' 'I wanted to work with vulnerable people!' 

'I want to make a difference in people's lives!' 'It is a very rewarding job!'

These are among the answers social workers and social work students will reel off when asked the 'why' question. 

They are answers which social work lecturers, tutors, and employers will find favour with. 

To be continued!

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