And since the religious clergies want to maintain their hold over the faithful.
They have no incentive to tell the people, to tell the faithful that they, and those before them, have been deceived.
That it has all been a massive deception which has become, in the semantic of our computer age, viral.
And that after many centuries of enforcement and coercion.
This deception is now too big, too intricate and well integrated, assimilated even, into the fabric of contemporary societies.
So much so that, it would be too costly for the religious clergies to admit their religions and religious beliefs are little more than deceptions.
That it has now become, as it were, the very essence and embodiment of a living lie.
The their churches, synagogues, mosques and temples are not built on the 'rock' of this or that prophet, priest, apostles or 'Son of God.'
But rather, on personified deceptions and word play.
Requiring of us that we give credibility to religious estate and establishment.
Even though it has failed to provide any proof of the theistic claims on which it is based.
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