Tuesday, 1 June 2021



'.......It is therefore incumbent on the local authority and adoption placement services that they do all they can to avoid unintentionally contributing or even causing adoption breakdowns, by taking a generic, on plan for all approach, in making adoption placements.'

Caring for and parenting ones biological children is a very intense and demanding challenge. 

It is a challenge which is likely to demand more and place more stress on parents and carers at critical milestones of developmental stages of the child's journey through childhood. 

Stages such as when the child is teething, requiring feeding throughout the night, crawling and walking, wanting to explore and challenge his/her environment, establishing and developing their initiative and autonomy, going through adolescence, developing their identity. 

Parents and carers are, fortunately, able to meet some of their children's learning needs through 'role-modelling.' 

While there are other needs that they can only met through consciously teaching and setting examples for the child to follow. 

Where the alternative placement of a child with differential and/or additional or increased needs are concerned.  

Needs such as those relating to mental or physical disabilities, ethnic, religious, gender, linguistic and cultural factors. 

They will also need carers and/or placement settings which are able to, as much as feasible, to reflect and help the carers to meet those needs, if they are not to be ignored or marginalised.

To be continued!

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