Saturday, 3 July 2021



But I fear that this is a search for an holy grail which we shall not find. 

And I am of the view that we just have to give up and focus on her supplements and providing her with lighter treats-like foods which appeal to her ailing taste-buds.

So, where is my dear mother at present, on her journey, like all of us, towards the abyss, the unconscious state of the ultimate destiny; of oblivion. 

Well, I am only an observer, and not a specialist observer, because I have never lived in the company or shadow of a parent, relative or friend who has attained the age of 101. 

Yes, I have knowledge and experience of seeing probably 3 persons making their imminent approach towards their ultimate destination. The first was a neighbour's baby, and the second was an old man, also a neighbour. 

And the third was a sibling who was dying from a terminal disease. Though my dear mother is 101 and is suffering from a number of chronic illnesses which are impacting her with pains and mobility and motility problems of different degrees.  

There are no obvious evidence of my dear mother dying. 

Yes, she spends more of her time in or sitting on her bed currently. However, considering her advanced age and her medical condition, I would have to say my dear mother is in a reasonably good state of health. 

There is nothing to suggests that she could not live for several months or a couple of years more. 

To be continued!

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