Saturday, 24 July 2021



When I rang the relevant ambulance service, expecting that that they would surely know which of their vehicle had my dear mother in it and where they had or were taking her, they were unable to give me that information.

My dilemma was only resolved when, not long after ringing the ambulance service, a call came through on my dear mother's landline, which I answered. 

The caller gave me his name and and the name of the hospital he was calling from, which was not the usual one. 

He then sought confirmation that I was my dear mother's son, before asking about her medical history. 

I advised him that I did not want her to be subjected to any painful procedures, and he said he would inform the doctor and that they would get back to me later.

It was fortuitous that I happened to be in my dear mother's apartment when the call came through.

Was it really necessary or essential for my dear mother to be taken to A&E on that occasion and be subjected to whatever anxieties she had experienced during the journey and at the hospital?  

After several calls and conversations between me and different health professionals having contact with my dear mother at the hospital, she was returned home several hours later. 

Her diagnosis was listed as "old age."

Was it worth it for her to have been taken to casualty to wait around in an alien environment to have a further medical evaluation, mainly to confirm that she really did not have any fractures or broken bones? 

For me and others to have that reassurance that, yes, we have done our job to a vulnerable older person who have fallen?

To be continued!

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