Friday, 2 July 2021



It would offer less of an option for Jews and Palestinians to remain set on destroying one another. 

Not least because any attempt to do so would risk the one destroying the other and, in doing so, destroying or doing terrible damage to their collective homeland.

The big problem is that, although the viability of a 'two state solution' to the conflict is either zero or zero minus, the unitary and, preferably, secular state, might be just as, or a bit less untenable. 

Being so due to the fact that orthodox religious Jews might find the notion and reality of not having 'a Jewish homeland', too big an ask. 

Similarly, conservative Arab Palestinians and their probably even more conservative external Muslim supporters and financial backers. 

Would, might also struggle with the burden of living in a secular state which treats all religious faiths even-handedly.

And yet, if the 70 year old Palestinian/Israeli conflict is to be resolved and not a permanent, volcanic conflict, a viable solution must, needs to be found. 

Yes, it is not going to be an ideal or preferable solution for some, hopefully not most of the people involved, but it needs to be a viable one. 

It might have to be the least worst option, rather than the best option. 

To me, as the late Bob Marley said in one of his songs, the least worst option would be for the State of Israel and the Occupied Palestinian territories to be subsumed by a secular, federalised state, with a suitable name being found and agreed for this new country.

However, true to the irresistible folly of humans in murderous conflict, fuelled by mutual hatred of each other and blinded by their love of their respective dogma.  

The parties to this one, namely the state of Israel versus the Palestinians and their supporters and manipulators, and, we should not forget, their respective Gods.  

Are not to be presumed to be too logical to not rule out opting for the worst case scenario. 

That of continuing to fight, as they have been doing for the last 70 + years, and have now become accustomed to doing.

But, despite this, we must continue to hope that fate will one day, not too long, extinguish the flame of mutual hatred which has cursed and been consuming Palestinians and Israelis, and empowers justice and peace to sprout and flourish.

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