Sunday, 22 August 2021



The sense of pleasure from sex maintains the attraction between the couple. 

Of course, in puritanical societies, men and women were not supposed to make a big deal, as it were, about the pleasure and sense of euphoric satisfaction they receive from the sex act. 

They, especially the women, were supposed to perceive of sex as purely a biological process.  

Which they were duty bound to carry out, in order to serve 'God's purpose' of them going forth and multiplying to fill the earth and serve 'God.' 

Sex was,  and  in some societies, for the woman, is still something they have done to them by men. It is not something they are meant to enjoy. 

Which is clearly not the case and is an unnatural concept, when we look around us and see how the 'lower' animal species deal with sex and procreation. 

By, in many cases, making it part of a highly ritualistic and intricate performance. 

If a woman does not or is not allowed to enjoy having sex, then there is the likelihood that she will, where she can, avoid it. 

That would mean no pregnancy, less children being born and, the survival of the human species being placed at risk. 

That risk, to some extent, is lessened or mitigated by religion creeping into people's bedrooms, as it were, and telling the woman that she does not have to, or, indeed, should not be enjoying sex. 

That having sex is about fulfilling her 'duty' to her husband and to 'God.'

But we continue evolve, as we move up the evolutionary chain, and, with introspection and the power of sophisticated thought.  

We have added other factors which reinforce and maintain the procreational link or bond between a man and a woman. 

So as to maintain the survival of our species. We have evolved into more enlightened families and societies. 

To be continued!

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