Thursday, 2 September 2021



There is, to me, no evidence of a child being born into this world being fearful of any ideas, concept, theory, culture, religion or tradition. 

As the saying goes, a child being born into our world is 'like a blank slate.' 

He/she, providing their physical and brain infrastructure and functioning is healthy, ready to absorb not only the food and drink they are programmed into eating and drinking. 

But they are also pre-set to absorb the information which their external environment, including their parents/carers, will expose them to. 

Although us humans are or can be either 'prey or predator.' I suspect that, unlike the young of some of other 'prey and predator' species of the animal world, where, say a newly born deer, might smell danger and seek whatever cover it can. 

Our newly born human babies are probably less discerning about its environment and who or what it should trust and fear.

Fear is not, I think and believe, is an emotion which a child has been born with. 

Yes, like any other emotion, anger, hunger, joy, happiness, sadness, et al, fear is something which a newly born is, in time, capable of learning. 

But I do not think that any child is born with the ability to feel and express fear 'about something specific.' 

It is quite likely, even probably, that a young pre-speech child can 'instinctively feel frightened', and reacts to it physiologically and/or biologically. 

For example, by wetting itself, crying, holding its breath, etc.

And so it seems to me, that, in order to increase the chances of any given species surviving, Evolution has, in different ways equipped them with certain instinctive and/or primordial senses. 

Such as the ability 'feel' that something fearful is about to or could happen at any moment. Unless the 'target' or 'prey' escapes from the threat or danger.

To be continue!

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