Tuesday, 14 September 2021



This, to any logical person, makes good sense and is something to be welcomed. 

But not so, it would seem, when it comes to 'fear or fearful' religious ideas. 

Such as 'The Day of Judgement', which is a serious tenet in Christianity and Islam. 

The belief that, on a given or specified day at some future date, the God of the Christians and Muslims, will have the biggest mass trial the world will have ever known. 

When he will raise all the ghosts or spirits of all the people who will have died by then, and Judge them.  

And  sentence or condemn and reward them 'according to their works. 

It is not even clear that we can call such a process 'a trial', as it seems that the  'J-Day' will be restricted  to task of rewarding the 'faithful' by sending them to  the place called 'Heaven', which, I understand is meant to be somewhere up in the skies. 

And sending the apparently unrepentant sinners to a place called 'Hell', I gathered is somewhere down there; in the bowels of the Earth.

So, while I can see the logic and intrinsic value of what I could call 'the Evolutionary fear.'  I can see only the logic of deception in what I would call 'the Religious Fear.' 

The 'EF' promotes the survival of the species, in our case, the human species. 

Whereas the 'RF' is a device which is meant to trick or coerce people into believing in and complying with the tenets of that particular religion/s.

It is truly remarkable that, humans, many or most of whom would ordinarily think and behave rationally, logically in considering many other issues.  

Would put on hold, suspend the use of their/our logic, when considering the probable existence of 'God', and of the dead being returned to life.

To be continued!

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