It does not make any sense, that the Western nations, primarily the United States, Canada, and the nations constituting the European Union, should be so suddenly turning their backs on the people of Afghanistan.
That they should be so implicitly, if not overtly, telling said people to fuck off.
The West is telling the Afghans that whatever intervention it made into their country.
Whether it is to kill and maim them, or to provide what it oftentimes, euphemistically calls 'humanitarian aid', it will only do so on their, the West's terms.
And I ask myself, how can this be? Where is the logic; where is the prudence and where is the humanity in any or all of this?
The West, collectively, proclaimed itself to have been in Afghanistan to save the people from themselves.
From their internecine warfare, and from their old traditions, and, arguably, religious and tribal excesses.
All or some of which, examined through the prism of those of us who see nothing wrong with people living together in peace and free from religious and tribal excesses, seem reasonable.
And yes, the West was also in Afghanistan under the pretext that that country was a refuge for the forces of Al Queda and Bin Ladin.
It was, the argument used to go, that the forces of the West needed to be in Afghanistan fighting and driving the forces of Al Queda out of the Afghan mountains and destroying them.
That that country should not be allowed to be a safe place for the forces whose goal it was to establish an Islamic Caliphate in the world.
These forces of extremist Muslims wanted, it might have, if it was not indeed argued, wanted to destroy the West and 'its values' as we/they, the guardians of the West know them.
Just as how the known and unknown 'guardians' of 'orthodox Islam' seek to protect and propagate Islam, at the expense of what they consider to be the world of 'the unbelievers.'
To be continued!
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