Or, in the case of Muslims in some Islamic countries where the animal is not stunned, but has a prayer said for it, that that animal, given the choice, would prefer the prayer rather than be stunned and avoid the acute pain of the knife taking it to its destiny?
There is also the ethics 'thing about meat-eater', concerning the over-production and how it acts to devalue not only the lives of the animals being produced for as commodity.
But also how it lays waste to the land and degrades the environment. There is this conflicting perspective when us meat-eaters argue the case for protecting the environment and fighting adverse climate change.
Of course, the non-meat-eater among us does not have any moral authority to condemn us meat-eaters for our apparent irreconcilable position or predicament.
Since this is not something which is specific to meat-eaters, but can be observed in many aspects of 'modern life.'
Such as, for example, the responsibility of the ordinary citizen, when their country makes war against another country and engaged in destruction and killing.
Venus Behind the Branch
Such as when people and governments comment on how wars have been made to achieve other people's freedoms.
We are all somewhat ethically and morally culpable when our governments and our industries engage in making weapons and other products which are used to take and devalue people's lives and the environments.
Which is why it is imperative that us humans, over a period of a couple of generations, should bring an end to the brutal business of rearing and slaughtering animals such as cows, goat, camels, horse, chickens and ducks, et al, for meat, top be consumed by us and other animals.
This we should and can do, providing we have the momentum and commitment. After all, us humans are not born with any inherent predilection for eating the flesh of other animals.
This strategy, combined with that intended to reduce Global warming and the CCC, could prove critical in achieving the climate change crisis targets.
So, people, let us do; let us rid ourselves, inter-generationally, of the needless meat-eating addiction which we have become socialised into.
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