They may say it is no more than a devise which is empowered by our human capacity, and that it is not 'divine.'
And yes, Google is not 'divine' in the sense that its power is ascertainable and comes from our human acquired knowledge, and not out of some magical apparition.
As the religious orthodoxy which has been passed down through the centuries to us, explains their 'God' and the origin of 'divinity.'
But the power of Google is real. It is practical and it can be demonstrated. Google makes a difference, whereas our 'orthodox gods' are not, of their own accord, able to make any difference to the human condition.
Our 'orthodox gods' are not able to respond to our cries or appeal for help.
And so it is not unsurprising that they should not be able to help us in a timely fashion; they are not able to help us, period.
As it were. Not so with Google, which is able to responds to us in a helpful way, and in a timely manner. We do not have to be or employ shamans, witch doctors, or 'Holy Men and Women' to intercede between us and Google.
Neither do we have to resort to ancient scriptures and the writings of now dead prophets and disciples, as we do with Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, et al.
Google speaks to us in our own language, and in a manner which we can understand.
And, what is probably even more attractive about seeking help from 'God Google', is the fact that It offers help unconditionally.
One does not have to be a Christian, a Moslem, a Jew, a Hindu, a Sikh, a Buddhist, or a theist to get help from Google.
No, it does not matter whether one is considered 'good' or 'bad', Google is non-judgemental and responds to whatever request is made of it and whosoever the seeks Its help.
To be continued!
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