Thursday, 23 June 2022



Again, Kazaliwa applied himself to his new tenancy with much determination, pride and commitment to making it his home. 

Like his previous tenancy, this one was comprised of a room and a shared kitchen and shower and toilet. It also had the added luxury of having a washbasin in the bedroom. 

Kaziliwa was fated to remain in this tenancy for probably 2 or so years. He was to take an added pride in establishing a good standard of management of his new home, having had a vision of how he wanted it to look. 

It was transpire, as time went by, that the challenges of him maintaining his new home as he had started, would again defeat him somewhat. 

Not least because of the difficulty in getting all the tenants in multi-occupied houses to exercise their collective responsibilities for maintaining proper standards of tidiness and cleanliness in the communal areas. 

Such as keeping the corridors, shared kitchen, bathroom and toilet clean and reasonably tidy. 

Even with Kazaliwa's best endeavours to keep on top of things, including having had the shower room and toilet cleaned by professional cleaners, at his own expense, regular cleaning blitz by his parents.  

The expediency of putting off home-management task, were to proved too and too tempting not to succumb to. 

And so it was that he resolved to look for and eventually moved into his current accommodation. 

One with which, as the saying goes, Kazaliwa was well-pleased. With good reasons, as this accommodation was a big improvement on both of his first two tenancies.

Probably somewhat astrologically, and fortuitously, Kazaliwa, in securing this tenancy, has been able to realise one of his accommodational dream or goals. 

Quite sometime before he set foot into this property, he had spoken of his aspiration to have an apartment up there in the sky. 

To be continued!

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