Monday, 25 July 2022



This leads me to an experience I had with an internally leaking toilet flush. 

So, the problem I had was this: I flushed the cistern, but it was not refilling, as the water entering it from the intake pipe was leaking out of the cistern into the toilet. 

The first challenge I had was to diagnose the problem; to find out what was causing this to happen. 

On reflection, I can now perceive how this should have been seen as 'a case of the relevant opening and closing valve which lets the water into the toilet pan to flush it, is not closing properly. 

I would have liked to have approached trying to resolve the problem in a more more methodical manner, including having made the hypothesis that it was something blocking the bottom flush valve. 

And then focus on trying to finding out if that was indeed the cause. Which it would transpire to have been.

Anyway, my non professional approach was to repeatedly press the flush button and press the flush system down onto its base, to see if the water would stop leaking into the pan. 

It did not. So I began contemplating on the probable need to get a plumber to replace the flush system, as although I am tempted to 'give it a try', I have not reached the required level of confidence to take that job of.

My next intervention was to manually manipulate the movable and accessible parts of the flush mechanism. 

Including raising and lowering parts which can be moved in up and down directions, and rotating parts which can be rotated.

The outcome of this intervention was both surprising and satisfying, as it resulted in the obstruction being flushed out, and the flushing system reverting to its normal functioning. 

My sense of elation was subsequently given an additional boost, by my awareness that, for now, I do not need to incur the cost of commissioning a plumber.  

To resolve what transpired to be a rather straightforward and easily - with some basic appropriate knowledge - resolvable problem. 

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