Wednesday, 1 March 2023



So, is there any comparasion between the centuries old struggle of progressive people, especially those in their late teens and late 30s, to defeat 'Capitalism.'  

And the more apparently conservative and traditionalists followers of, say the Abrahamic religions who are pursuing the promise of 'a heavenly paradise' after 'the world ends' or their 'Saviour Returns'?

The initial, and most probably prejudicial conclusion, is likely to suggest that there is no essentially common ideological similarity or comparability between these apparently 'chalk and cheese' historical protagonists. 

That religious people, committed as they are to obeying 'the will of their 'God'' who, according to Christians, are not of this terrestrial world or domain. 

Are inherently different from the anti-Capitalist forces who have committed themselves to the probably insurmountable challenge or vocation of 'destroying Capitalism', are inherently different and are not  comparable.

Being a person of a certain age and having been of the view that 'Capitalism', especially as it has continued to develop and evolve over many decades, into something which seems to feed on its success and become bigger and stronger and less open to being regulated or reformed. 

It should not be surprising that I have now reached the stage where I am reaching the conclusion that it is unlikely that the 'Anti-Capitalist forces' will or can ever defeat 'Capitalism.'

I have concluded that, just as how the religious believers who are looking forward to 'paradise' in the hereafter, beyond life, will never realise it while they 'are' 'they are experiencing a state of consciousness.' 

So will those who have and remain committed to 'the defeat of Capitalism', will never realise it and 'the ideal collectivist replacement state' they/we aspire towards.

In this 'common vision', I would argue that theistic religious believers/followers, and anti-capitalist , can be compared. 

It does not matter that the 'anti-capitalist idealogists' as it were, perceives their 'ideal collectivist state' occurring during the life time of the people. 

Whereas the religious adherents are expecting to inherit or be rewarded 'paradise' and, rather paradoxically, 'eternal life' after the end of their life on Earth. 

To be continued!

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