Saturday, 6 May 2023



Bullying can be about overtly behaving in such a way that it makes others with whom we are interacting, feel that they are negatively different from us, that they do not fit in because of some temporary or permanent deficit. 

 Whether it be physical, intellectual, social, knowledge or skills based.

Because of its nature, I would argue that probably everyone who has lived long enough to attained the age of, say upto 10 years old or adulthood.  

Will have had some experience of having been 'bullied' and/or 'bullying' another person. 

Which is why I would contend that 'bullying' is a part of the  human socialisation process. 

If we or a given society aspire towards and embraces the principles of competitiveness, individualism and acquisitiveness.  Then, along with such principles comes the desire and motivation to 'win' to 'become first' and achieve the rewards of the pursuit we have undertaken. 

I would argue that, be it a small or a large part of that process can lead to some form of 'bullying' which makes 'the playfield more advantageous to particular rather than all of the participants.

Continuing along this line, I have also come to learn, or accept that 'life will never be fair to anyone or everybody.' 

I am come to learn that, whereas death is fair to all of us, in that we who have or are living must, of necessity or according to our common destiny, all experience dying and die.  

The experiences and quality of life of all people will not be of the same quality and kind.

And what about my adolescent years, what have I learnt at that stage of my life? 

Well, on reflection, they were years of my life which were impacted with loads of emotions, anxieties, anticipation, excitement, boredom, apprehensions, fears, and waiting for exciting things or events to happen. 

Such as the new film at the local cinema, or for Saturday night to come, so that I could go to the local night club. 

There would be job hunting to be done, waking up early to prepare to go off to work, girl-friends hunting, hanging out with friends, hanging out with family. 

Hanging out alone, and evolving into becoming the individual and apparently peculiar person I have become.

To be continued!

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