Monday, 5 June 2023



I have come to learnt that, for me, unless I could easily or readily change my work/career appointments and demands to meet any childcare demands.  

It would be the norm for the former to be prioritised over the latter; to the great chagrin, frustration and annoyance of my dear wife. 

I have learnt that I had, during the time when it mattered most, not given sufficient consideration and weight to my wife's work/career commitments. 

I have learnt, on reflection, that I had devalued and marginalised her commitments, and, ipso facto, her.

Yes, I have learnt that, whether I am always aware of it or not, it is very likely that I have taken my partner for granted. 

Not least in my taking it for granted that she will carry out certain duties within our home. 

And yes, when I apply my intellect to analysing how our home functions. 

I have come to learn that my partner does most of the work, and that it is more than likely that I both consciously and subconsciously gives too much weight to the things I have done and do in our home.

I have also learnt that, the qualified success of our relationship, is unlikely to be because of the 'good husband and father' my partner, my wife, on more than one or two occasions, describes me as being. 

Instead, what I have learnt is that the success and longevity of our relationship has more to do with my wife's commendable attributes as a person, a wife, a companion and a mother, and with luck, than with any actual or ascribed virtues I have. 

How else can I account for the fact that our relationship continues and with a high level of mutual satisfaction and happiness, while that of so many of my friends, colleagues and relatives have faltered and failed?

To be continued!

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