Thursday, 1 June 2023


Yes, suppose there is indeed life after death, what then? Supposed all humans, myself included, really are pulled up by this sofar unseen Being called 'God'. 

'Resurrected from the ancient graves, from the dispersed ashes and dust of long cremated bodies. 

Dust and bones which has been caste into the air, into the disparate and tranquil places of the Earth and the waters of the oceans, seas, lakes and waterfall, at some point in the future? 

What then? Would it likely to be a case of, Woe to me and to others who do not believe in 'God'? 

Would it likely to be a matter of me and others of similar mindset to me, whom, I would argue, are more logical and rational thinkers, than those who believe in this still invisible 'God.'  

Being 'lifted up and given life again.'  But this time, only to be 'put to the sword of everlasting fire.' 

By being 'punished' for our non-belief, our denial of 'God' and what the religious clergies have told us, are the things their 'God' wants us to do, by being placed in 'a place and time called Hell'? 

While those who believe in, though never having seen 'God', before, were he not to bless or curse humans with his presence, are rewarded by being placed in 'a place called Heaven'?

So, let us have a brief examination of the likelihood of there being 'life after death. 

So, to begin, we first need to specify or identify what we meant when we use the phrase 'life after death. In its use by, say Hindu religion and/or traditions, it refers to the theory of reincarnation. 

Namely, the belief that each humans (and probably other forms of animals) as we travel through life, or lives, depending on how well or poorly we live the previous  ones. 

Take on and live the existence of human and other animals of different statuses and between human and other animals.

Seemingly a kind of Darwinian process of 'spiritualistic natural selection.'

To be continued!

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